Friday, September 30, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Moving Day

So when is the last time you had to pack up all your worldly treasures and move? You know I have had two garage sales a year, each 3 days long for the past several years not to mention donating, my Etsy sales, Ebay sales and Craigslist items. I live in a small 1000 sq. ft house with a one car garage (so  what I was never able to park in it). I figured I would not have much to move, piece of cake. Where did all this crap hide?? Seriously did I keep it in every nook and cranny convincing myself I was doing great with my clutter problem? You think you live a simple life? Wanna bet!! Pack up your stuff and move. Then tell me you live a down to basic simple life. The kitchen gadgets alone!!! Someone told me yesterday as I was complaining about it that they literally keep their kitchen gadgets in three rooms besides the kitchen. I looked at my space in the new location yesterday and realized it wasn't all going to fit. Oh boy, I feel more garage sales coming on next year. Maybe those people who move a lot have the right idea. You move enough times you learn not to buy a bunch of crap you don't need. Live in your house over 10 years? Good luck. Now back to walking around my house trying to figure out where in the heck I am going to put all this stuff.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fun with Words

A few years back I went through all my baby and growing up photos and then went through all my daughters baby and growing up pics and found out that I ended up taking many of the same style pics that were taken of me at the same age. I had no idea of course I was doing this at the time because I really don't look at my pics all that often. The parallels were spooky actually. So I thought this would make for an amazing scrap album. Side by side I put her age appropriate pics next to mine. The album took hours to do but I love the way it came out. Here are a few of the word art pages that I included in the album. These took as long to do as a photo page. Lining and sizing words are a huge effort. But worth the results.

I certainly would not bore you with pages from this album since I realize the only importance of it is family. But just to give you an example of similarities I am sharing this page. I changed some of her color pics to black and white in order to make them seem even more similar to mine. I put this album together as a Christmas Gift.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Time- Who has enough of it?

The biggest phrase I hear repeated everyday by many people "I don't have time" "I ran out of time" "Time flys". The way I understood it years ago, that technology was going to free up time for us. I have not seen this occur have you? If anything it seems we have less of it. Where does it go? (Just like I wondered where fat goes when you lose weight?) Poof right into thin air!

For all our complaints about not having enough time in the day, I personally see people waste it more. We think or believe we are more important when  running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I wonder if it is an avoidance as well. The busier you are the less time to take a look inward and explore our own thoughts and feelings. Eventually little or no time for a real life makes you feel burnt out. Are you spent, exhausted and frustrated?

I actually take time in my day to do things I enjoy. I do however wonder how the days and years seem to go faster and faster as I get older. I never understood this concept when I was young.  My adult life is flying by. My daughter is grown so yes I have more time. I never allowed her schedule to run my life. And you know what? I never felt guilty about it either. And yet she grew up just fine. How about that!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011


A good example of an older piece I did. Needs finishing when I look at it now. Charms just don't hang in mid air!
So I need to put this on my "to do" list. Which is why I am sharing an old piece today. My list is so long lately I have had no had time to do my favorite thing which is creating cards. I listed my house for sale which brings a whole new "I need to fix that" list. Funny how you can live with things for years but fix it for someone else to enjoy. And with packing things away so the house looks less cluttered you find all these things you no longer use and decide to let go of. Hence the long list on the Etsy and Ebay shop. Oh and then yet one more garage sale to get ready for in the next couple of weeks. Lets add the fact my daughter moved out of the country with just a couple suit cases just a few days ago, so we have to eliminate her stuff too. The lists keeping getting longer for some reason. So how is it when trying to simplify ones life it creates wayyyyy more havic? 

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Wish for All

The word art is fun to do but time consuming. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could have a bit of Prosperity? Maybe I need to do a card on Challenges and Obstacles. But I think we all should focus on prosperity not more obstacles.