Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Moving Day

So when is the last time you had to pack up all your worldly treasures and move? You know I have had two garage sales a year, each 3 days long for the past several years not to mention donating, my Etsy sales, Ebay sales and Craigslist items. I live in a small 1000 sq. ft house with a one car garage (so  what I was never able to park in it). I figured I would not have much to move, piece of cake. Where did all this crap hide?? Seriously did I keep it in every nook and cranny convincing myself I was doing great with my clutter problem? You think you live a simple life? Wanna bet!! Pack up your stuff and move. Then tell me you live a down to basic simple life. The kitchen gadgets alone!!! Someone told me yesterday as I was complaining about it that they literally keep their kitchen gadgets in three rooms besides the kitchen. I looked at my space in the new location yesterday and realized it wasn't all going to fit. Oh boy, I feel more garage sales coming on next year. Maybe those people who move a lot have the right idea. You move enough times you learn not to buy a bunch of crap you don't need. Live in your house over 10 years? Good luck. Now back to walking around my house trying to figure out where in the heck I am going to put all this stuff.

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