Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Not just for Granny

This is what I am choosing to call my book of herbal recipes or spells. It can sit on the book shelf without bringing much attention. But inside just won't be your granny's homemade pie recipes. Although mine will.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Steampunk Stalker

I watched a program the other day on the our senses. They brought up the fact that you can sense when someone is staring at you. They did some studies and found most people can feel the eyes of others when they are watching you. Creepy heh?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dark Side of the Back Side

These would be card backs for darker decks.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Plucked a Peacock

A reversible back. Simple and subtle.

Not reversible. I do like the muted background tone.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Backs Pt II

Options. I am all about options.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What about the Backs

Every once in a while I get bored with the front of the cards and decide to play with the back of the cards. So I will spend some days sharing some back sides.
I could not decide how many bee's I wanted so I did two. Of course this is not a reversible back.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Radiant Rider Waite Deck

I had heard about this deck for a while now. I put off buying it until now. I am not or was not a big fan of the Rider Waite Deck. It has finally started to grow on me. It was the first deck I ever bought but I just had a big love for the artwork. So after many colorful creative new decks I ended up buying a recolored version of this deck. I must say I really really like it. The colors bring forth a lot of details I was missing in the first deck. I guess an old dog can try a new trick or two.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Vision Get a load of the backside

Sorry. Tarot that is. The back side of Tarot. What were you thinking?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

After a week of black and white digital.
Finally some color. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How do I look?

Ever go to the mall and people watch? Most shoppers kind of look like this. Shopping for something that might make them happy. Usually a very short lived happy at that. You won't find "Happy" in the mall. Trust me. I know because I really really don't find happy in all the garage sales I have had trying to find my "Happy" in those shopping malls. And if you have ever even watched one Hoarders show you know they never seemed to find there happy with all their crap either. So where in the history of mankind did our thoughts start changing to make us (or trick us) into believing that stuff makes us happy? 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Good Days/Bad Days

Do you feel like you have more days like this than being happy? So what are you going to do about it? It can make for a really long drawn out life. My favorite mornings are when I am driving to work and this feeling of happy comes over me. No reason, just does. Those out of the blue happy feelings make for the best days.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Who do you think you are?

I have known many woman over the years who gave off the vibe they were all that. It used to bother me because I always thought "Who do they think they are? What makes them think they are better than anyone else?" But now I wonder if you don't believe this then either will anyone else. I projected my sucky self esteem on woman who had good self esteem. So in actuality I should have been asking "Who the heck do I think I am?" I was rasied to believe that you did not say positive things about yourself. If someone said something nice about you, you shrugged and blushed and then proceeded to dispute the fact you had that good trait. To agree was boostful and you were not to boast. Sad that was passed along to woman. And lets face it. If that is what you believe then that is what you will project and that is what others will believe you are as well. Note to self. Believe better. If someone says something nice just simply say "Thank you".

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


How many masks do you have to remove to find the real you?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ever have these thoughts? The majority of time they back fire.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cover Girl

I wonder if we will ever see her on the cover of Vogue? Oh wait we do every month!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kitchen Tarot


I think there are million people who feel this way about 2011. One big heaping compost pot. I am pretty excited and hopeful about 2012. I like the way it looks and I like the way 2012 sounds when I say it out loud. I hope my feelings for this year ring true.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Kitchen Tarot & a 2012 wish

Lets hope The World card to be the Peace Porridge. The World is one big Potluck when you think about it. Brilliant really. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Radical Wirth Tarot Deck PT 3

Interesting old syle deck isn't it?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Radical Wirth Tarot Deck PT 2

This is the only card in the majors that does not have the card name on it. This was not an oversight but done on purpose. I guess seeing the word Death on the card back then really freaked people out. I bought the book that goes along with learning the cards and the meanings then meant different things then they do now.

The sun in this card is beautiful.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Radical Wirth Tarot Deck

The Radical Wirth Deck is used in the New Sherlock Holmes Movie. This deck is a color revised edition by Carol from Soul Guidance.It only includes the Majors. Carol printed out the deck colored it and laminated it. I love her use of colors for the revitalization. She actually sends two Fool cards. I am not sure which I like better. Love them both! I will share more cards tomorrow.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What Card Are You?

I am the Hermit card. Does not bother me at all. In general a little bit of people go along with me. I am one of those rare weirdos that likes my own company. But then I see the card below and certainly wouldn't mind having friends like this.

Finding friends that gather and prepare a meal looks like fun. At least this card makes it look like a lot of fun. I have to say though, I made the mistake of watching a couple episodes of The Real Housewifes of .... and it reminds me that when two or more ladies gather for an occasion all hell breaks out. That means that these three ladies should be throwing food at each other not breaking bread, laughing and generally enjoying each others company. So it makes me wonder why woman have such a hard time getting along? And generally arguments over the most trivial things that doesn't matter in the grand pupa of life. It all makes me so uncomfortable I go back into my Hermit mode and am glad to be in my own company.(There cards are from the Gain Tarot.)

I came across this card when I was going through some of my decks. I told you I am the Hermit card! This card is from the Kitchen Tarot (majors only). Susan Shie is a quilt artist and these cards are quilts she has made. I really like her work. She is currently working on the minors but since these are quilts, I believe it will take her a long time to complete.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Steampunk the hard way

Still working on the whole Steampunk look. I find it fascinating but harder to do than one would think. It is kind of quirky and smoky and darkish and grimy and really makes no sense. Victorian meets industry. I don't know I find it hard to figure out and harder to master. I am not giving up though.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

One Down 51 To Go!!

We are coming to the end of the first week of the year. How are you holding up so far? Ready for the year to be over yet?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Five of Cups Part 2

Must have been in a Five of Cups state of mind when I did these cards.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Five of Cups Part 1

Hey at least your day is more than likely not going this bad!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Book of Shadows & Sherlock Holmes New Movie

I splurged on a movie Christmas Day. I saw Sherlock Holmes- A Game of Shadows. I won't say it was the best movie I have ever seen but certainly not the worst. These two ravens rather remind me of Sherlock and Watson in this non stop adventure movie. I enjoyed the scene with the Gypsy woman (well cast) and the tarot cards especially. The cards were very old and not the modern day cards I usually am so drawn too. That fascinated me because I generally am not that interested in the old decks. But I found these cards to be fantastic. So of course I did a little digging when I got home and found out more about them which made me love them all the more. It was an Oswald Wirth Tarot Deck. Only two original decks known. They used one in the movie. Pretty impressive. I of course ordered a repo of the major arcana and of course will share in a few days. I just got them in the mail yesterday and I have to scan them and crop them. Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do You Believe?

I believe Magick is around us all day every day. When I was young I never took the time to notice. I paid no attention to what went on around me. Now as I drive to work in the morning, I try to notice everything around me. I see something pretty much every day that makes me burst out laughing. When you stop to notice your surroundings you will also notice the humor out there. From the Possum running down the sidewalk in front of the Catholic school with a bunch of babies on her back to the sparrows picking on a crow. There is a lot of funny going on out there if you take the time to see it.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Fire Dancer

 As usual I had to make her with three different backgrounds.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

A toast to a better year. I say we all deserve one don't you?