Monday, January 9, 2012

What Card Are You?

I am the Hermit card. Does not bother me at all. In general a little bit of people go along with me. I am one of those rare weirdos that likes my own company. But then I see the card below and certainly wouldn't mind having friends like this.

Finding friends that gather and prepare a meal looks like fun. At least this card makes it look like a lot of fun. I have to say though, I made the mistake of watching a couple episodes of The Real Housewifes of .... and it reminds me that when two or more ladies gather for an occasion all hell breaks out. That means that these three ladies should be throwing food at each other not breaking bread, laughing and generally enjoying each others company. So it makes me wonder why woman have such a hard time getting along? And generally arguments over the most trivial things that doesn't matter in the grand pupa of life. It all makes me so uncomfortable I go back into my Hermit mode and am glad to be in my own company.(There cards are from the Gain Tarot.)

I came across this card when I was going through some of my decks. I told you I am the Hermit card! This card is from the Kitchen Tarot (majors only). Susan Shie is a quilt artist and these cards are quilts she has made. I really like her work. She is currently working on the minors but since these are quilts, I believe it will take her a long time to complete.


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