Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where do our Wishes go?

When you make a wish where does it go? Does it eventually land upon a star where it either sits for eternity or bursts forth into the universe and comes true?

Is a Meteor Shower the accumulation of millions of our wishes bursting forth and coming true?
I want to hope so.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Some more Goddess

Hope you aren't sick of the Goddess yet. I have more more more!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Fun Cards III

This little Moon Fairy is one of my favorites. I go out every night and look at the moon. Sometimes she just takes my breath away.

In the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" everytime a bell rings an angel gets her wings. Well what if everytime a bubble pops a person gets their wish. I kind of like that better than making a wish and blowing out a candle. I would rather make a wish and blow into a wand of bubble solution. Beats spitting all over the birthday cake!!! Wouldn't it be fun if everyone blew bubbles before cutting the birthday cake? Then everyone would get a wish?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Feather

I was driving home this week and looked up in the sky to see the most beautiful feather. Yes I said sky because the feather was a cloud. I have never seen anything so beautiful. Of course I had no camera. Oddly enough when I got home I could still see a bit of it left so I ran in the house and grabbed the camera.

It reminded me of my feather story which reminded me of my penny story. So lets start with the penny. On my birthday a couple years ago I walked every morning and decide that morning I wanted to ask for a penny. I walked the town for 45 minutes through the park and downtown area. No penny. Went to lunch that day, no penny. So I promptly forgot about it. Chalked it up to not being a very good at manifesting. I got home that night from work and grabbed a few things from the car and went in the house. I realized I had to get a couple more things from the car and when I went to open the door, on the ground right smack in front of the car door was my penny. How odd. I get in and out of my car in my driveway a couple times a day and had never seen it before. I just said thank you, cracked a smile and picked it up.

A few months later I decided on my morning walk to ask for a feather. I had been reading this interesting little book called Sacred Feathers. I did my 45 minute walk through the park and down several streets and again downtown. Saw all varieties of birds including crows but no feathers to be found. You would think I would find one darn feather!! So I got back to the office still the only car in the parking lot got my work clothes out of my car and went into the office to change. I did a couple of things and decided to take my workout clothes back out to my car. As I walked out and looked at my car, there directly in front of the car door was this big white fluffy feather! I stopped dead in my tracks in complete amazement. I looked around the parking lot, still the only car in the entire lot. I thought at first that maybe there would be a few feathers in the lot. But I would be wrong. There was only one feather and it was directly in front of my car door. How could I not just burst out laughing? I made sure I picked up this feather and to this day it sits on my computer at work.  I do find it odd though that both items I asked for appeared after letting the thought go and both times these two requests ended up in front of my car door. I just can't make this stuff up. And I just can't explain it either. But I don't think I am supposed to. So I always smile when I see a big white fluffy feather. This weeks sky feather was the biggest I have ever seen. I can't top that.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Goddess Series

I have many Goddess cards I will be sharing. I plan on naming my tarot clutches after a Goddess.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Death or Devil

Many woman have two sides to her personality. Does she want or feel she must find her Prince Charming or does she look deep within to find her inner Goddess? Can she have both? Woman wear many hats. It is no wonder we have no idea what we really want. Who has time to think about it? We are spouses, mothers, cooks, housekeepers, employees, chauffeurs and nurturers. The list never ends. Many woman say they no longer have any idea who they are after years of partnership. Add children to the mix and forget about it. How much do we give up of our true self in order to share a life with others?  You compromise and give up little bits of who you really are each day until you no longer recognise that young girl in the mirror. But can your really be your true Goddess when feeling that you are missing something without a significant other? Is it possible to be your own significant other?  Many stay in bad relationships for the fear of being lonely or feeling incomplete. So do you stay and compromise and except a bit of daily death? Do woman stay in relationships for fear of not being able to make it financially just as we stay in a job we hate? If only we had time to sit down and really figure out what it is we want for ourselves. Problem is, no one seems to have ten extra minutes for themselves. What would happen if we quit listening to the "they" people. "They" say I should get married, "they" say I need two children, they say if I quit my job I will be sorry, they they they. What is your right answer? Is that old saying "Be careful what you wish for" true?

So is this really the Death card or the Devil card? Death of who you once were or the Devil for tricking you into believing in the fairy tale?

She is rejecting the truth about what the young girl has to say to the woman. Maybe we need to remember what the little girl said she wanted to be when she grew up. Her truth was pure and honest and only has the best intentions. But we are all grown up now. That little girl was naive and immature and had no idea about the real world. Right?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sneak Peek at Tarot Clutches

I am doing the finishing touches on the Tarot Clutches. I need to get my act together and get them on Etsy. They are in a variety of colors and sizes for the different sizes of decks. I added ribbon to them for closing. The name of the Etsy shop will be The Pink Broomstick with the user name of pinkbroom. I have to take pictures of them and I feel a bit intimidated because the photography on Etsy site is pretty top notch. I don't claim to be a great photographer. But I will be giving it a go here this weekend. I have also been trying to come up with something to call them. It is like naming your child. You don't want to mess that up!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mother watches over the world. She has a stressful job here lately. With all the weather mishaps around the world she is getting no rest. She cries for what she see's us doing to her earth.

Do you like to journal?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Oracles III

Some of my first attempts at doing oracle cards. This one is cracking me up because for being the Lady of Lightening she seems to have chased it all off. I think I need to redo this card and maybe add some lightening. Just a thought.

This one needs some re-doing as well. I did say this is early work.

So I redid the card and spelled it a bit different than below.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Things that make you go Hmmmmm

Don't even ask. I have no idea what this means or represents. Sometimes just strange things develop. What can I say. I didn't even take cold medicine before making this page. I have no excuses and I take full responsibility for it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Word Art

I thought the top two pages would be fun for a Book of Shadows insert.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bottle Trees

I love bottle trees. I want one. But I want cobalt blue bottles for my bottle tree. The only way I can figure out how to get blue bottles is to drink wine, Not real crazy about wine. And I wonder if you display a bottle tree in your yard are you telling the world "Hey look at me. I am a big wino. Come party at my house."  If you want to check out some great bottle tree examples check out this website. Wow it is inspiring. You might want one too after checking out this site. http://www.felderrushing.net/BottleTreeImagess.htm

Friday, November 5, 2010

I am soooo clever

I was sitting and thinking about some new tarot cards I need to do since I seem to have a one track mind anymore. Besides it beats thinking about all the stuff I need to list on Ebay and Etsy blah blah blah. (maybe I need to do the tarot spread below). So I came up with a new name for what I do!!! I am so excited because sometimes I think I am so clever. Of course if I don't think I am clever who will? So my new name for my cards are  (drumroll please)

FAUX TAROT!! I design faux tarot cards. I will never claim to know what I am doing when I do these cards. They are strictly for my enjoyment and hopefully others get a kick out of them. I am smart enough to know that my FAUX TAROT will never make me any dough.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Homage to Tarot Spreads

It seems that tarot readers love love love to come up with their own tarot spreads and they really love when others use their idea for a tarot spread. There are some pretty great spreads out there. One of my new favorites is called the Why is that? spread. This all started by Jacki Smith from Coventry Creations and finalized by Strom Cestavani on his blog http://www.psychicfriendsblog.com/. Check it out. While you are at it check out the amazing candles at http://www.coventrycreations.com/. But that got me to thinking about having my own spread. Why not??? So here is my homage to Jackie and Storm and all the other creative tarot masters of the world. It is called ----------- are you ready for this???

Just a simple three card spread.

1st card- How is my laziness working for me?
2nd card-What do I need to be honest about (with myself?) We are not blaming others here.
3rd card- What do I need to know in order to get off my butt and start doing  something about it?

So if you are a big time procrastinator maybe this can help you out. At least you might get a big chuckle out it. Well that is if you actually stopped procrastinating and did the spread!!! Oh and one last suggestion. Use one of your light hearted fun decks. We can't take ourselves to seriously. I am going to try this spread with my All Hallow's Deck by Robyn Tisch-Hollister. I just recently bought this deck and I love it. You can pick this deck up at Leisa Refalo's site http://www.tarotconnection.net/. I have added a couple of Robyn's cards. Perfect for this spread heh?

Robyn must have seen me after a bit of road rage
Your children's stuffed dolls will never be the same.

I like this card. If the spread does not work just drink 9 glasses of wine. Of course at this point you won't be getting off your butt, you will be falling on it.

Bottoms UP!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Playing with Alphas Part III or IV or who knows

I have a hard time resisting playing around with unusual alphas. Okay I will just say it, I have a hard time not playing around with digital scrapping. Now if I could only get it together and actually scrap family photos.