Friday, November 19, 2010

Death or Devil

Many woman have two sides to her personality. Does she want or feel she must find her Prince Charming or does she look deep within to find her inner Goddess? Can she have both? Woman wear many hats. It is no wonder we have no idea what we really want. Who has time to think about it? We are spouses, mothers, cooks, housekeepers, employees, chauffeurs and nurturers. The list never ends. Many woman say they no longer have any idea who they are after years of partnership. Add children to the mix and forget about it. How much do we give up of our true self in order to share a life with others?  You compromise and give up little bits of who you really are each day until you no longer recognise that young girl in the mirror. But can your really be your true Goddess when feeling that you are missing something without a significant other? Is it possible to be your own significant other?  Many stay in bad relationships for the fear of being lonely or feeling incomplete. So do you stay and compromise and except a bit of daily death? Do woman stay in relationships for fear of not being able to make it financially just as we stay in a job we hate? If only we had time to sit down and really figure out what it is we want for ourselves. Problem is, no one seems to have ten extra minutes for themselves. What would happen if we quit listening to the "they" people. "They" say I should get married, "they" say I need two children, they say if I quit my job I will be sorry, they they they. What is your right answer? Is that old saying "Be careful what you wish for" true?

So is this really the Death card or the Devil card? Death of who you once were or the Devil for tricking you into believing in the fairy tale?

She is rejecting the truth about what the young girl has to say to the woman. Maybe we need to remember what the little girl said she wanted to be when she grew up. Her truth was pure and honest and only has the best intentions. But we are all grown up now. That little girl was naive and immature and had no idea about the real world. Right?

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