Monday, February 28, 2011

Swallowed Stuff

I got a chuckle last week when I read that Oprah is letting go of her clutter. When she gets too much stuff she can just go buy another house to put it in. But can you imagine all the things people give her? What do you do with it all?

I have seriously been working on my clutter disease for several years. I call it Dis-ease because of the way it makes me feel - uneasy, swallowed up, heavy, unable to breathe. I once loved all this stuff. I collected so proudly and loved each and every piece I bought. I would proudly display these items. I lived in a fairly good sized house with an attic and basement and had room to store and exchange things for holidays. I kept buying craft stuff, knick knack stuff, flea market items, magazines and books by the hundreds. When I had the Tea Room and Gift Shop it was like heaven getting more stuff. From my past I need to include items from the floral business,  a millinery business, horse business and hobbies by the hundreds. When closing the Tea Room I had to make room for the items that we did not sell. I sold my house and moved into a house less than half the size. When Grandma died I had to make room for some of her things. And that is when I realized, enough was enough. It had to go. So with donations, two flea market booths, EBay and garage sale after garage sale, the items have ever so slowly been going to new homes.  Letting some of my things go was hard. Have I ever regretted something I let go? I might have but I don't remember now. Am I cured of buy- it- itis? No. I still go to Hobby Lobby and drool over all the cute items they try to tempt me with. I still fight my knick knack disease. But I am getting better. If I feel the need to buy,  I watch an episode of Hoarders or Peter Walsh on Oprah's network and then I am brought back to reality. Of course then I can justify "Oh I was not that bad". I still pick up a decorating magazine and look through the pages of the woman who have the most incredible homes chock full off gorgeous knick knacks and I am still very drawn to it all. I just have to leave it in those pages, to those woman who display there lovely things with finesse. I let my twinge of knick knack envy go and head off to listing more EBay items. Don't feel sorry for me. I'll get over it. I hope.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Goddess Calling

This Goddess needs help with her prayers. She  also needs more healing hands.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Big Mamma

Big Momma Nature is not all to happy with us lately. And you know what happens when Momma ain't happy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Come Back

Staging a come back.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hang On!!

Kind of feels like we have all been hanging on for dear life lately. Seems a cohesive World is just out of our reach.

Monday, February 21, 2011

With A Love Like That

With a mother like this, how can you fail? She is working her powerful Mojo on us right now. It has been a bit rough lately.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Needing Some Help Here

The World could use a little magic about now. Know where it can get some?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Are you an enchanting charismatic person? Are people drawn to you? Do you ooze mystery? Would you like too? These days people seem to be an open book. We put it all out there on our social networks and don't leave much to the imagination. Those three initials TMI come to mind. There seems to be a lot of TMI going on these days, and I am not just talking about Facebook and Twitter. Some like to tell you their life story in the grocery store line. We have become voyeurs in every body's business. Are we spilling WWTMI? (Way Way Too Much Information.)  Where did the mystery and intrigue (and perhaps a bit of privacy) about us go? I was watching an old black and white movie a few days ago and I found myself drawn to how enchanting, charismatic and mysterious the actors were. They drew you in  with little effort. Maybe it was because we didn't know every little detail of their lives. I rather enjoyed it.

 Just throwing some thoughts out for the day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Blog to check out!!

I have added a new blog. I have wanted to start this blog for a while and finally have decided to go for it. The new blog Mojough in my Dough will feature dessert digital art along with dessert locations and recipes. I will also be posting often on the new blog as well. Please sign up so you dont miss anything. Especially if you are a sweets lover!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Salute to Anti Valentine's Day

Yes you all, I am not a romantic anymore. So in lew of all the romantics in the world I am celebrating the opposite. Enjoy!!

Shame on me for taking it out on this beautiful dove. It wasn't his fault he became a symbol for love.

So is it really wrong to want to shoot Cupid in the ass with his own arrow!! Seriously?? At least he bleeds hearts right? Anybody with a little bit of age has got to be a bit over all the commercialism by now. It would not surprise me if men could actually hate this day more than I do. Talk about stress!  Men "have to" and I mean "have to" get something for their significant other. The consequences of coming home empty handed is a basic long lonely cold sentence of pure hell for as long as the woman decides you have suffered long enough. And what about the single gals who feel completely left out in the cold when their female co-workers receiving flower deliveries parade in slow motion down the hall. Slightly stopping for a brief moment at each door  giggling to get your attention or speaking in a loud tone about their wonderful men. You know the ones who loudly broadcast that they might be a little late at lunch since their honey is taking them to the place you have been dying to go for months. You don't dare take yourself out to lunch of dinner this day. You get those sad pathetic glances by couples who are probably pretending to be googlie eyed with each other. At least for effect on this night. Oh and what about the woman who thinks this might be the night a beautiful engagement ring will be handed to her across the dinner table only to be devastated for the fifth year in a row when no ring emerges from that magical black box. Yes it is all too much pressure. Pressure sponsored by the Hallmark, flower and diamond industry. I wonder if they sit back and laugh while counting the money in their cash registers? Yes I realize it stimulates the economy, but at the expense of woman who would prefer to go hide in a hole for an entire day over all the gloating from their coupled friends.

 No I am not jealous of this day. I come by these feelings honestly. I fell into the Valentine trance once and even got married on this day about 100 years ago. I find it rather embarrassing to even admit. And if that didn't ruin it for me, I just flip on the TV and watch one of those ridiculous sappy commercials that flood the airwaves.

 Yes there will always be someone to take the arrow out of cupids ass and give me a million reasons why this day is so special. But please don't do it within shooting range. I have more arrows where that one came from. 

Okay so Cupid is in a locked box. But at least he is not bleeding in this picture! (And there are no prison bars over the windows.) Still to harsh?

Okay here you go. The dove grabs the arrow before piercing the heart of these romantic wings. Happy now? Excuse me while I go hurl.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nature Goddess

This is how this Goddess Tweets.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

I Want What I Want

Okay so I am craving a Salted Caramel Buttercream Chocolate Cupcake from Sucre' in New Orleans. Sue me. Or better yet get me their recipe and I will make all the Salted Caramel Buttercream Cupcakes my heart desires. And while you are at it, pour me a cup of Bread Pudding coffee from Community Coffee (New Orleans again). Could there be anything better in the entire world than coffee and chocolate?? I think not. Is that to much to ask?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Poems to Oneself

These two poems are my all time favorites.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Off Topic Tarot Today

I was asked by my daughter to design a change of address page. She gave me an example to use so I do not claim originality on this idea. I just took the idea and embellished to her personality. These are the samples I came up with.  Her choice was number two. It was fun to change it up a bit and do something a bit different than what I normally do. Her next challenge for me is a Mardi Gras invite. (Please note: These pages are samples since I changed the address and phone number for sharing purposes.) Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Winged Wabbit

Some have the Happy Squirrel Cards in their decks. I love my Happy Wabbit. Happy Wabbit will hop into play on occasion as my extra deck card. What the heck does Happy Wabbit mean to me?  He makes me smile and he changes my focus from being serious to fun. He tells me to go play, laugh out loud, hop around the house singing at the top of my lungs, blow some bubbles, play jacks. Quit being so darn serious.