Thursday, February 17, 2011


Are you an enchanting charismatic person? Are people drawn to you? Do you ooze mystery? Would you like too? These days people seem to be an open book. We put it all out there on our social networks and don't leave much to the imagination. Those three initials TMI come to mind. There seems to be a lot of TMI going on these days, and I am not just talking about Facebook and Twitter. Some like to tell you their life story in the grocery store line. We have become voyeurs in every body's business. Are we spilling WWTMI? (Way Way Too Much Information.)  Where did the mystery and intrigue (and perhaps a bit of privacy) about us go? I was watching an old black and white movie a few days ago and I found myself drawn to how enchanting, charismatic and mysterious the actors were. They drew you in  with little effort. Maybe it was because we didn't know every little detail of their lives. I rather enjoyed it.

 Just throwing some thoughts out for the day.

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