Saturday, March 31, 2012

Eight of Cups (Twisted Tarot)

Did you ever wonder what exactly does this mean? "Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater" What?? Go look it up. Do I have to tell you everything?

Friday, March 30, 2012


My money maker seems to be on the spin cycle. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Strength (Twisted Tarot)

I hate when that happens don't you?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

King of Swords (Twisted Tarot)

Dude looks like he should be on the cover of a romance novel. What do you think, should I have pierced the dragon's tongue with a nice gold stud?
Can you hear that song "Your so vain, you probably thought this card was about you your so vain." (I changed the words a bit.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two of Swords

Two of Swords went a bit rougue today. What about you? Have you gone a bit rougue lately? Given anybody the finger? Told anybody off? I notice our patience and temperments have been a bit off lately. HA I say lately but I have noticed this for the past few years.

Monday, March 26, 2012


How many times a day do words like these fly through your head? More than you can imagine.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Steampunk Tarot The Ladies

She is my favorite lady in the deck. I want to be her.

Ready to go and order your deck yet?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Steampunk Tarot Aces

Pretty fantastic set of Aces.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Steampunk Tarot ...continued

What is not to love about this Star card. She is one of my favorites in the deck.

Happy Sun card. If you look carefully you will see the little Westie dog show up from time to time in other cards.

I like the way the lanterns were used as wands. So good.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Steampunk Tarot New Deck by Barbara Moore

I interupt the Twisted Tarot for a new deck I just got. It has been on order for some time now but was actually released earlier than expected. I find many of these cards simply wonderful. You know how I love Steampunk and try my hand at it on occasion. Not easy.
Over a few days I plan on sharing more cards. Please note that I cropped them. They are cropped because my scanner sucks and did not catch the bottom meanings. But the  cards have a border and the meanings are on the bottom of each. The book that comes with the cards with is HUGE and detailed.

The card back. Not reversable. Barbara does not use reverse cards.

Sooo loven this High Priestess.

Great Tower card. So that is your tease for today. I will show more. Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Star (Twisted Tarot)

It is pretty hard to be the star of your life. Someone is always lurking, ready to stab you in the back and take it away from you. I guess it is hard to be genuinely happy for someone that has success in their life. Why is that? Cause it should have been you? Even though you didn't work very hard for it and kind of really didn't know you wanted it until someone you know got it? Don't you just hate me right now?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Emperior (Twisted Tarot)


You would begin to think that I have a bad attitude towards men wouldn't you? But I don't really. I don't want to be married to one anymore but I still like having them around at the office. You thought I was going to say something mean and nasty didn't you. Suprise!!
But I just realized my contrast between the High Priestess (yesterday) and the Emperior. Very funny or very telling? Not sure. Really I do like men!! (With the exception of the one's I married.)

Monday, March 19, 2012

High Priestess (Twisted Tarot)

Not only is she a bit twisted but she is just a bit nasty too. I always wondered what the initials stood for on the columns next to the High Priestess. Now I know. Bad me. This little High Priestess seems to be a working girl. Makes her own living. Oh is she twisted.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Temperance (Twisted Tarot)

Yes I have used her before as my Temperance card but last time she wasn't setting the book of my so called "Wonderful Life" on fire either. Watch out for those innocent looking people. They get you every time.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Fatties Day

He kind of does and  he kind of doesn't look like a Leprechaun right? Poor guy is still searching for his pot of gold. Either that or he is looking for some more pie. I kind of think he has given up on the rainbow and found that looking for pie is easier. Seriously doubt he is the only one that does this. We too give up looking for our gold and hit the cookie jar instead. When life get frustrating we eat. Look around, you know I am right.

This adorable card is from the Hezico's Tarot deck. No longer available but such a great deck.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Death (Twisted Tarot)

Most days I feel like the spider.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sun (Twisted Tarot)

Dont laugh if you dont believe me just spend a couple hours on Malibu Beach. This could have been an anorexic sunbather.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy B-day to me

I woke up on my birthday and looked in my mirror. What a fright. All those years of not putting moisturizer on before bed. So I guess according to my face this is justice. Plain scary.

The All Hallows Tarot got it right today!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tower Power (Twisted Tarot)

Well that is different. Instead of jumping from the tower she has climbed over barb wire to get into the inferno. I guess she likes the prison she built for herself.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Magician (Twisted Tarot)

This dude took the sword, wand, cup and coins just a bit to far perhaps. He has issues. I would say his magic went up in a puff of smoke.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

High Freaktess (Twisted Tarot)

My my she has it all. A tad bit freaky wouldn't you say? Kind of reminds me of the old sitcom The Adams Family.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Wheel of Mis-Fortune (Twisted Tarot)

Has your Wheel of Fortune gone flat ? Have you priced new tires lately?? Geez. In life I think we run on tires that are a bit bald and put off the fact it may be time to replace some of our old ways of thinking.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Empress (Twisted Tarot)

Empress of the cemetery. She is my twisted sister.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Whoops (Twisted Tarot) Ace of Cups

Oops I hate when then that happens. Cup is facing the wrong way. Story of my life. So are you a cup half empy or half full kind of person? Or maybe your cup is either, it is upside down.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

That old mean Sword (Twisted Tarot)

Ever have a friend always with thier hand out. Can I borrow, this can I borrow that. Never saying thank you or paying you back? Just once when they have thier hand out wouldn't you like to just stab it with a sword? Just saying.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Justice (Payback) Card

Today I am calling the Justice Card the Payback Card. Maybe your way of justice is whipping about a quick little nasty spell. Maybe your nasty spell only consists of muddering nasty words under your breath.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

B-day Shout Out

Happy Birthday daughter who now resides somewhere on the planet besides the USA. Hope it is a great day.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

3 of Cups What Woman Do

This is what woman do all around the world once they put their kids to bed. Drink.
Drink a lot.

Death Card (Twisted Tarot)

I hope this does not remind you of your spouse of boyfriend.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ace of Wands Ouch! (Twisted Tarot)

This is my newest series I call Twisted Tarot. A bit unorthodox and mean. Yep if you hadn't noticed I am a bit twisted. Twisted Tarot is kind of taking you down the rabbit hole.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Student Loans and the Tarot

Here you are. Finally finished with high school. The whole world ahead of you and looking forward to going to college. You are going to slay those dragons go on to higher education and conquer the world.

In order to do so you are going to have to borrow some money. Most likely you were raised by a single parent and there was no extra money for college funds. So you sign on the bottom line. Maybe your parent co-signed right along with you. Why not right? You are going to make a decent living after college and there will be no problems paying back your loans. Is that what your college is telling you? Little do you know you have just signed your soul to the devil.

Graduation day was supposed to come with excitement. Only  you find yourself and a few million others have no job prospects. There are millions of people who were ahead of you in the job market and they too have no jobs. People with a lot more experience than you. Student loans are coming due. You figure now is the time to do a forbearance but you know eventually you are going to have to start paying these loans as the interest rates keep racking up and racking up. Of course you have to borrow money to forbear. It is not free you know.

Still no job you are tied up in knots and the stress is making you old before your time. It is getting to expensive to keep paying (or borrowing) to forebear your loans. Nervously you call the Student loan people to see if you can work something out. Basically you are rudely treated, yelled at, told you are worthless and to go get a job. The collection phone calls start 24/7 around the clock. But not only to you, to everyone you know including your parent who co-signed. Trying to humiliate you to the point of what? You can go flip burgers but that isn't even going to pay your bills let alone loan payments.

At this point you wake up and realize you are sinking down the rabbit hole at an extremely high rate of speed. You have now lost control of your life. Forget about a decent credit rating, ever owing a house or getting married. Who the hell is going to want to take on someone with so much debt? Maybe you have a partner and together you have more debt than you could ever pay off in a lifetime. But the interest keeps racking up and now you are at double your original loan amount. Are you kidding? You couldn't even pay the original amount.

Your burden and depression worsens. The collection calls don't let up. You can't sleep you have to change your phone number because they won't stop calling you. Your family members have had to change their numbers too. They won't work out a solution at this point. You are defaulted and being sued. Sued for what? You don't have anything to give. The job you may have found is half of what your college told you that you would make in this career you thought you so badly wanted. You would have been better off leaving high school and working at the local Wal-mart. At this point where ever you work your wages will be garnished and you might get fired over it. But no worries your debt interest is doubling by the day.

So you start considering your options. Leave the country? Hide out in a cave and live off the land? Check out the homeless shelter down the street? How nice is the back of your car look these days? Now on anti-depressants and barely a shell of what you were 4 years ago when you looked forward to your life. Remember that? The dream job, the house, the family? Your dreams are now the monsters in your nightmares!!!

How about the quiet thoughts of just ending it all. Checking out. Okay bastards you win. Collect when I am six feet under. Oh believe me, they will try. Might need to be cremated because they will probably own your cemetery plot.  Years ago there was debtors prison. You went to jail for not being able to pay bills. You long for debtors prison at this point. Actually you are in debtors prison only you will never be able to serve enough time and get out. You are a permanent club member of forever debtors prison.

  Broken heart, broken dreams, shattered parents. Can it possible feel or get any worse. No way out.

Government turns a blind eye. The news only slightly mentions all the rate of student loan debt piling up by millions of Americanise. Then the colleges come on the news and justify your debt. Once Suze Orman said that student loan debt was GOOD DEBT!! Are you kidding me? Yeah buying a house was once a good investment too. The news won't let up about the housing crises but they turn a blind eye to the millions of people drowning in student loan debt wishing that their only problem in life was losing their house at this point. At least bankruptcy is an option and in 7 years you can start over. Stick a fork in you. You are never getting out of your student loan debt. You will never have the luxury of clearing up your credit or starting over in 7 years. Oh and by the way when you are old and IF there is any Social Security left by the time you get old they will take that too. Disability yep that too.

It will have to be the millions of people who finally stand up and say enough is enough. You have to remember that all those old out of touch fat white guys who run your life in Washington DC graduated college a hundred years ago when it was affordable. You really think they care about you? Who will finally blow the lid off the corruption of the student loan industry and the colleges who lie to you about jobs? It won't be those old fat terds. They are more than likely getting kick backs. Oh and it is an election year. Don't know about you but I have not heard one word by a candadite regarding the student loan crises have you? Oh no birth control is so much more of an important topic. Hell if your parents used birth control you would not be in this predicament!!
Tuition continually is going up faster than inflation ever thought of. But hey they just tell you to take out another loan.