Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Look Ahead

If you could look ahead into the entire year of 2012 would you? 

Happy New Year

Friday, December 30, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon a Time there was a year called 2011. Now it is gone and you are wondering where in the heck did it go!! How did it slip through your fingers so darn fast? How is it the years go by faster and faster and the days at work seem slower and slower? Goodbye 2011. Hello 2012. What are my plans for you this year?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jump I Dare You

As we start a new year, will you step out of your box and try something different in the new year? Are you one of those who think about what you would like to change about yourself in the year to come but never get there? If you are one of those who always do what others expect will 2012 be any different? Go for it. Jump right square in the middle of that puddle. Get wet I dare you.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cut Your Ties

Fresh New Year coming up. Maybe now is the time to cut your ties with those who are not healthy for you. Negative people really have an effect on your life and health.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What is Behind the Door?

So what or who is behind that door? Do you have the nerve to find out or are you one who keeps on walking. If you are the least bit curious, I encourage you to go for it and take a peak. Try this technique for 2012. Don't walk away. Check out what is behind the door in all areas of your life.

Monday, December 26, 2011

What am I going to do?

Christmas is over and I have nothing to bitch about. How boring will that be? Oh wait, Valentine's Day will be coming. If you think I don't like Christmas just wait till Valentine's Day!!

Stay tuned!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas in Spite of Me

I realize this is me 99.9% of the time. Okay well maybe I am giving myself the benefit of the doubt so lets say I am like this 100% of the time. I will muster up the courage to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas today.

Okay so I tried. I can at least except I am the Grinch and Scrooge all rolled up into one.

Merry Christmas anyway. From me and the Shadow and Light Oracle.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Don't Forget

Almost here!! Don't forget to breathe!! Better yet take a nap.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Looking Ahead-The Day After Christmas

So think ahead. Christmas stuff is everywhere. Where are you going to put it? All your nooks and crannies are already stuffed to the hilt. That garage sale you have been meaning to have for the last ten years is looking like you didn't get "around" to it once again. The hall closet no longer houses the coats because there is no room for them either. Have you tried the trunk of your car yet? That has become the new closet of opportunity. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Trapped in Guilt. Maybe you simply can't afford that one gift you would really like to buy for your special someone. Or feeling guilty because this year you are sticking to your budget and that gift just isn't in the budget? (Has anyone ever really done that?) If you feel bad for not buying your kids a hundred toys for the sake of having a bunch of crap under the tree I suggest sitting down and watch an episode of Horders. You might realize you do no one favors by over gifting and you could possibly feel a whole lot better about yourself. But if you are saying that person has nothing on me!! Then honestly, I have nothing more to say.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You Know You Will

Are you feeling guilty yet for not buying your children the latest and greatest? Are they working you over with that amazing manipulation they seem to be born with? Is it working? You have a couple days left to give in!! Oh what are you waiting for? Go buy it. You know you don't want to but will do it anyway.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tree Hugger

How is it I love the smell of pine trees but hate the smell of Pinesol?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Snowmen are for the Birds

So far in my neck of the woods there has not been any snow. And I will take a crowy Christmas over a snowy one any day.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Do You Have This?

Do you have this to look forward to on Christmas Day? People (relatives) judging, jeolous or absolutely nothing to say to each other even after all these months?

Is this what you feel like doing ten minutes after arriving to the holiday "family reunion"? Maybe no one will notice. Run! Run for your life!!

Or grab yourself the biggest glass of wine you can find and go to your happy place. {It is only one day after all.} And you can smile knowing that it will be 364 days till the next one.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Off Topic

Hey at least she didn't pull her dress up. Now that would have been scary.

Throwing a bit of humor in before heading out to the shopping center, tackling the gifts to wrap or some last minute baking that needs to be done.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Dread of it all

The last two day weekend before Christmas to get some shopping in. And you sit over your coffee dreading the crowded mall and gridlocked streets pondering the gifts you still need to buy. But then again if you knew what to buy you would have already gotten it so you obviously don't know what to buy and therefore have to wonder the mall endlessly like a zombie bumping into screaming kids and other up tights who are in the same predicament as you are.

So before heading out for battle, first say a little prayer.

Then put on your armour.

Don't get intimidated by those pushy sales people.

And maybe you will find that perfect gift.
(made in China)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Found it Yet?

Have you found the Holiday Magic yet? Better hurry. Thought I would add a little more stress to your day.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Wonder

Doesn't it just make you wonder? Is this adorable little fairy boy taking that pen to write down all his wonderful intentions for the new year ahead? Or is he planning on taking that pen and throwing it like a dart? Boys will be boys after all. They can pretty much make anything into a deadly weapon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Queen for a Day

Wouldn't it be great that if instead of sitting on the lap of a letchy old man in a red suit with bad breath and  B.O. you sat at this Queens boney little feet and told her all your bitches for the entire year.

 And poof she just made you feel a whole lot better!! Take that Santa.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Christmas Label for you

I re-arranged one of my past labels into a Christmas one. Aren't I just soooo special. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Hold They Have

Her name is Christmas Cheer. What is she saying you ask? Oh that is an easy one. "Buy my products, spend spend spend!!"

(The hold retailers have on us this month.)

Card from The Bohemian Gothic Tarot. Perfect aren't they?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Christmas Wish for You

May you have the strength to get through the Holidays.

And the Temperment not to...

Kill someone in the process

And a bit of money left when it is all said and done.

(These cards are from The Bohemian Gothic Tarot.)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Double Edged Sword

The holidays are rather the double edged sword. On one hand if we make the retailers happy and spend money we dont have, they are able to stay in buisness and that creates jobs for sales people who ring up our many purchases. I am all for someone being able to work and it breaks my heart to see so many people who want to work and are unable to find a job.
But for the most part it only creates jobs for store clerks since the majority of everything we buy comes from China. It creates very little in the way of jobs for our citizens who actually can make a product here in America. On the other hand, it creates great stress for people who are unemployed or underemployed and no longer have the means and funds to buy gifts for thier family members. This leads to guilt and all kinds of emotions of inadequacy that you would rather tuck under the rug. You can't put your feelings in a box, wrap it in some pretty paper, put a bow on it and stick it under the tree. Sometimes this inadequacy leads to violence which then leads to using the Christmas funds to bail your butt out of jail.
So why hasn't someone come up with a fun magical cheap non commercial way to celebrate the holidays? Have we all been brainwashed to the point we no longer have any ideas of our own? Or do we just go back to basics of sitting down and having a meal together. Playing cards or bringing out the dusty old board game. What about going through the photo albums or old VHS tapes and laughing at the way we used to look back in the days when we had a whole lot less stress.  

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What to Serve for your Holiday Meal

Do you have those certain family members that only come over once a year at Holiday time just to make your life a living hell for the day? Have you ever fantasized about putting them in that boiling pot on your stove?
 Hey wait a minute- that could be me in that pot!!!!!!! Hmmm if I taste like chicken I wonder, do I taste more like the white meat or dark meat? Duh I would be that dried up over cooked no flavor piece of white meat. Did I really need to ask?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Others Wishful Thinking

At this point I suppose this is what most people are saying about me and my Holiday attitude. Can I just hybernate through this month? Is that allowed?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Tree Ornaments

I wonder if anyone hangs doll parts and bones as ornaments on thier Christmas tree branches? Bottles of graveyard dirt or mojo bags. Someone somewhere probably hangs skulls and crossbones I would imagine. I think it could put an end to your Christian friends from coming over to your house for the annual Christmas party. So it may not be something you want to do if you have your entire family over or the annual holiday event at your house.  How fun as your parting gift to hand them their gris gris bag. See what I mean? Absolutely no holiday spirit in me. But all this got me to thinking and here is my own version of a Poppet and bones Christmas Tree. Happy Freaken Holidays everyone!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Grumpy me

I realize I should be doing holiday themed stuff but I was not blessed (or brainwashed) with the love of all the commercialism that surrounds this holiday. As a matter of fact I dispise it. It is all I can do to get through this entire month without hurling at all the crap thrown at me when I go to the store. When I have to, I put on fake Holiday smiles and try to "conjure" up a bit of holiday spirit. For example I did put up the red Xmas stocking on my office door that someone made for me. I complain every year but I do buy gifts and even muster  the energy of wrapping them up. And every year I try to come up with a better way to do the holiday rather than over spending on crap that no one needs. I really wish someone would come up with a fun pleasant way to spend December 25th happy, guilt free and with some money left in your bank account. Now that is a retailers nightmare.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Paulina Tarot

Sharing a few of Paulina's first deck. I think what I notice most is the backgrounds on these cards are a bit more detailed. Some may like that and some may find it more distracting. I really like both decks for different reasons. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Joie de Vivre Tarot Deck-Swords

A few more of Paula Cassidy's new deck. Go over to Amazon and check out the reviews. And if you like this deck check out her first deck as well. You will like it too if you like this one.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Joie de Vivre Tarot Deck-Coins

Sharing a few of the Joie coin cards. I know why I love these cards. I love pastels. Reason why? I love Spring and Easter so much. It is the colors!! Which I am sure cracks you up since I design such dark cards most of the time. Maybe like the coin, there is two sides to everyone. The dark and the light. I like designing dark cards but I don't live that way. Maybe the same way comedians love playing dark roles. Interesting.