Monday, December 5, 2011

Grumpy me

I realize I should be doing holiday themed stuff but I was not blessed (or brainwashed) with the love of all the commercialism that surrounds this holiday. As a matter of fact I dispise it. It is all I can do to get through this entire month without hurling at all the crap thrown at me when I go to the store. When I have to, I put on fake Holiday smiles and try to "conjure" up a bit of holiday spirit. For example I did put up the red Xmas stocking on my office door that someone made for me. I complain every year but I do buy gifts and even muster  the energy of wrapping them up. And every year I try to come up with a better way to do the holiday rather than over spending on crap that no one needs. I really wish someone would come up with a fun pleasant way to spend December 25th happy, guilt free and with some money left in your bank account. Now that is a retailers nightmare.

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