Monday, February 14, 2011

Salute to Anti Valentine's Day

Yes you all, I am not a romantic anymore. So in lew of all the romantics in the world I am celebrating the opposite. Enjoy!!

Shame on me for taking it out on this beautiful dove. It wasn't his fault he became a symbol for love.

So is it really wrong to want to shoot Cupid in the ass with his own arrow!! Seriously?? At least he bleeds hearts right? Anybody with a little bit of age has got to be a bit over all the commercialism by now. It would not surprise me if men could actually hate this day more than I do. Talk about stress!  Men "have to" and I mean "have to" get something for their significant other. The consequences of coming home empty handed is a basic long lonely cold sentence of pure hell for as long as the woman decides you have suffered long enough. And what about the single gals who feel completely left out in the cold when their female co-workers receiving flower deliveries parade in slow motion down the hall. Slightly stopping for a brief moment at each door  giggling to get your attention or speaking in a loud tone about their wonderful men. You know the ones who loudly broadcast that they might be a little late at lunch since their honey is taking them to the place you have been dying to go for months. You don't dare take yourself out to lunch of dinner this day. You get those sad pathetic glances by couples who are probably pretending to be googlie eyed with each other. At least for effect on this night. Oh and what about the woman who thinks this might be the night a beautiful engagement ring will be handed to her across the dinner table only to be devastated for the fifth year in a row when no ring emerges from that magical black box. Yes it is all too much pressure. Pressure sponsored by the Hallmark, flower and diamond industry. I wonder if they sit back and laugh while counting the money in their cash registers? Yes I realize it stimulates the economy, but at the expense of woman who would prefer to go hide in a hole for an entire day over all the gloating from their coupled friends.

 No I am not jealous of this day. I come by these feelings honestly. I fell into the Valentine trance once and even got married on this day about 100 years ago. I find it rather embarrassing to even admit. And if that didn't ruin it for me, I just flip on the TV and watch one of those ridiculous sappy commercials that flood the airwaves.

 Yes there will always be someone to take the arrow out of cupids ass and give me a million reasons why this day is so special. But please don't do it within shooting range. I have more arrows where that one came from. 

Okay so Cupid is in a locked box. But at least he is not bleeding in this picture! (And there are no prison bars over the windows.) Still to harsh?

Okay here you go. The dove grabs the arrow before piercing the heart of these romantic wings. Happy now? Excuse me while I go hurl.


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