Friday, November 5, 2010

I am soooo clever

I was sitting and thinking about some new tarot cards I need to do since I seem to have a one track mind anymore. Besides it beats thinking about all the stuff I need to list on Ebay and Etsy blah blah blah. (maybe I need to do the tarot spread below). So I came up with a new name for what I do!!! I am so excited because sometimes I think I am so clever. Of course if I don't think I am clever who will? So my new name for my cards are  (drumroll please)

FAUX TAROT!! I design faux tarot cards. I will never claim to know what I am doing when I do these cards. They are strictly for my enjoyment and hopefully others get a kick out of them. I am smart enough to know that my FAUX TAROT will never make me any dough.

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