Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Homage to Tarot Spreads

It seems that tarot readers love love love to come up with their own tarot spreads and they really love when others use their idea for a tarot spread. There are some pretty great spreads out there. One of my new favorites is called the Why is that? spread. This all started by Jacki Smith from Coventry Creations and finalized by Strom Cestavani on his blog Check it out. While you are at it check out the amazing candles at But that got me to thinking about having my own spread. Why not??? So here is my homage to Jackie and Storm and all the other creative tarot masters of the world. It is called ----------- are you ready for this???

Just a simple three card spread.

1st card- How is my laziness working for me?
2nd card-What do I need to be honest about (with myself?) We are not blaming others here.
3rd card- What do I need to know in order to get off my butt and start doing  something about it?

So if you are a big time procrastinator maybe this can help you out. At least you might get a big chuckle out it. Well that is if you actually stopped procrastinating and did the spread!!! Oh and one last suggestion. Use one of your light hearted fun decks. We can't take ourselves to seriously. I am going to try this spread with my All Hallow's Deck by Robyn Tisch-Hollister. I just recently bought this deck and I love it. You can pick this deck up at Leisa Refalo's site I have added a couple of Robyn's cards. Perfect for this spread heh?

Robyn must have seen me after a bit of road rage
Your children's stuffed dolls will never be the same.

I like this card. If the spread does not work just drink 9 glasses of wine. Of course at this point you won't be getting off your butt, you will be falling on it.

Bottoms UP!!!!!!

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