Thursday, January 19, 2012

Who do you think you are?

I have known many woman over the years who gave off the vibe they were all that. It used to bother me because I always thought "Who do they think they are? What makes them think they are better than anyone else?" But now I wonder if you don't believe this then either will anyone else. I projected my sucky self esteem on woman who had good self esteem. So in actuality I should have been asking "Who the heck do I think I am?" I was rasied to believe that you did not say positive things about yourself. If someone said something nice about you, you shrugged and blushed and then proceeded to dispute the fact you had that good trait. To agree was boostful and you were not to boast. Sad that was passed along to woman. And lets face it. If that is what you believe then that is what you will project and that is what others will believe you are as well. Note to self. Believe better. If someone says something nice just simply say "Thank you".

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