Monday, September 5, 2011


A good example of an older piece I did. Needs finishing when I look at it now. Charms just don't hang in mid air!
So I need to put this on my "to do" list. Which is why I am sharing an old piece today. My list is so long lately I have had no had time to do my favorite thing which is creating cards. I listed my house for sale which brings a whole new "I need to fix that" list. Funny how you can live with things for years but fix it for someone else to enjoy. And with packing things away so the house looks less cluttered you find all these things you no longer use and decide to let go of. Hence the long list on the Etsy and Ebay shop. Oh and then yet one more garage sale to get ready for in the next couple of weeks. Lets add the fact my daughter moved out of the country with just a couple suit cases just a few days ago, so we have to eliminate her stuff too. The lists keeping getting longer for some reason. So how is it when trying to simplify ones life it creates wayyyyy more havic? 

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