Thursday, July 28, 2011

Five of Swords

Do you seem to have more Five of Sword days than not these days?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kitty Crack

I have the secret on how to get your cat to love you!! Little effort or great expense either. I have inherited my daughter's cat. She has always pretty much been a one person cat and never really much cared for me.

Actually she used to scare the crap out of me when I would visit my daughter. She would come skulking in the room, her tail high flicking this way and that way, head up blue eyes glaring. She would circle the room smelling my fear. And then she would casually jump in my lap like she was there to make friends and ultimately I would end up bit. Some how this little con kitty lured me into safety all the while planning to terrorize me for a later go round. This has been our relationship the last few years. When she came to my home, her first two weeks she ignored me, acting like I did not exist. I just left her alone. Hell getting bit was not my objective.

Buying  some dog food one afternoon and getting the dogs their supply of "Greenies"
my daughter decided to buy the cat version knowing how much my dogs are addicted to them. Kitty has never had treats before so we weren't sure she would eat them. First taste and she was hooked. The company should rename this product Crack for Cats. Better than cat mint any day. I just have to shake that container and she can't get their fast enough. Thank you Greenies I still have all my fingers and toes. I love her crack as much as she does.
She looks all sweet right? Yeah don't let those baby blue's fool you.

 Oohh she looks so sweet.

Now you can see why she can be intimidating.

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Etsy Shop at last

Etsy is my favorite place to linger. I have loved Etsy for a long time and always wanted to try and sell some of my personal treasures. It just takes a while to get your act together and choose and photo and try to say something about the item.
As I have written before I am on a downsizing kick. I list items on Ebay every month, have two garage sales a year and list odds and ends on Craigslist (when you are not getting some stupid scam). I don't have good luck on Craigslist. Probably the area where I live. I have so many unusual items from the 70's and 80's (now considered vintage. How old does that make me feel.) Time to pass them on to new owners. It would have been sad to lose these items in the May tornado and that was a big deciding factor for me to part with many items. So I slowly offer my past history to Etsy buyers. I don't know how it will all go. But it is really fun.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Who are you? The Queen or the Drone? What would other's say you are?

Monday, July 18, 2011

"It's Like" Revisited Once Again

I had a blog post a while back complaining about this phrase and that it is the new "Um" word. And I thought the word "Um" drove me ever loven nuts. The phrase "It's Like" every other second is just as bad. The young have passed the torch to the older and now it seems we all say it. I try to catch myself when I do it. Why does a bad habit seems to spread like wild fire and good habits do not? Remember the good habits? Saying please and thank you. I certainly do not hear those words out of the young people's mouth lately. We have lost so many good habits along the way. I wonder if they will ever come back or are they out with the dinosaur?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Do you ever feel like your trapped in your own made up hell?  Do you make things out to be much worse than they are? This week is a great week for cleaning the skeletons out of our closets (along with all that other clutter). Dust away the cobwebs and put the spiders back outside. Play a little, laugh a lot and enjoy the summer. It all goes by so fast.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oracle of Visions Deck

Ciro Marchetti is the magic man of digital beauty. With his new self published deck “Oracle of Visions” his imagination soars to new creative heights. I watched this deck mature and grow for months. When Ciro finally sent out the email the deck was ready, I had to buy two decks!
Oracle of Visions is not just a deck in a little package, you get the whole kit and caboodle. A pretty box, a beautiful full color book of descriptions and a DVD with bonus material. Fifty two cards of visual delight edged in gold. For me it is like tasting a great frosting and a moist cake. I myself love the size. Not too small as to need a magnifying glass to enjoy the images, not too big for my hands (but I have big hands)
Reading these cards are a hoot. I decided to read three cards without opening up the book to see what Ciro’s ideas of the cards were. What the heck they are my cards now.

Okay here I go. Bare with me and my imagination.

My first card was #7. This fancy schmancy monkey sitting so smug holding a silver skull.

Maybe your boss is a monkey (or a big ass ape) and he has handed you your head for something he did in error, not you. Oh and let us add this isn’t the first time he has done this to you.

Second card #9. A woman balancing inside a hoop on the back of a jester.

You have been jumping thru hoops with this boss for years. A balancing act of doing your job (without getting your head handed to you daily) yet he thinks he has been carrying you the entire time. This is what he has been telling upper management anyhow when he blames his mistakes on you. You have just been trying to keep your job and going along with this circus act. But when heads start rolling in company layoffs he puts you on the chopping block first.

Third card #13. A woman with a sewing machine working with rainbow thread.

There is no better time to take your head back along with your big balancing hoop and go sew your own personal rainbow. Either stitching great ideas for your own creative business or a better environment in which to work. Now that ass monkey ex-boss of yours only has his head to hand over and no one else to blame his mistakes on.

How fun was that!! I just totally made that all up. I weaved a crazy story from what I saw. Now I will have to go read the book to see what Ciro’s suggestions for the cards are. Oh and I didn’t tell you but there is an extra PDF download and even more great ideas for the cards from Donnaleigh (Beyond Worlds on Blogtalk Radio) I believe it would be safe to say, the real suggestions are nothing like mine! I allowed myself to say what I saw without getting all wrapped up in my head worrying about being right or wrong. I did a little storytelling.

How pretty is the back of this card? Thanks Ciro, Love Love this deck!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lovers Faux Tarot Style

Back to Tarot this week.

Friday, July 1, 2011

King of Spades

Messing around with a change of pace from oracles and tarot.