Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tux and the Schipperke

I adopted a little Schipperke dog named Skippy (original heh?). When I brought him home he immediately tried to take the husbands fingers off. The next day he bit the vet. Guess he was a good judge of character. He was always crazy about my dad so I am not sure it was a man issue. I had always heard these little dogs got a long with horses but Skippy took great care in tormenting Tux. He would antagonize him from sun up to sun down. Barking at him, running around him in circles and biting at his legs. Tux would often get enough and try chasing him all over the yard trying to stomp him but with no avail. I honestly thought one day Skippy would lose and get trampled but it never happened. So one morning I decided to tie Skippy up on the porch by the house with Tux's very long lunge line. I figured I would give poor Tux a break from the constant dog taunting. I went off to work but thought I would go home during the lunch hour to see how things were going. As I walked up to the back fence, I peak around to see the scariest thing ever!! Tux had decided to come up to the porch. I guess to see why the dog wasn't driving him crazy or to rub it about being tied up. When Tux had walked up to the porch, Skippy as usual had run around and around Tux until he had literally lassoed Tux up in the lunge line. Well Skippy ran out of leash at Tux's back hoof where he was stuck. Not having enough sense to reverse himself. Every time Tux would lift his back leg to shoo a fly he would pick up Skippy by the neck. Horrified I knew if I screamed or yelled it would send Tux running which in turn would cause Skippy's death and possibly Tux getting tripped up and falling. Either by hoof or hanging it was not going to be pretty. So I quietly and calmly opened the gate talking to them both in a very soft and calm matter. I walk over to Tux who was very happily napping under the porch and walked behind him and unhooked Skippy from the line. Then I carefully unwrapped Tux from his lasso. Needless to say I could no longer tie up the dog.

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