Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's like.... um

Have you listened to any young people have a conversation lately? It goes something like this "So I was like yeah" and then they were like "Way" and I was like "No way" and she was like "Totally" and I was like "Get out" and at that point you have to check out of listening before you go over and yank each one of their pierced tongues out of their mouths.

 I remember the days when I was in school and the word that drove me nuts was "Um". Someone up in front of the class giving a presentation and every other word was "Um". By the time this student was done you needed a nap!

Most people let their fingers do the talking anymore. I have a confession to make. I have never in my life sent a text!! I have no desire too either. What is rare these days is to actually see two people have a conversation under the age of 20. I wonder if our young will soon forget how to have a face to face conversation when these teens finally do become adults? So totally like um it all rather worries me.

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