Sunday, March 6, 2011

Loven my Tarot Cards

I am in complete awe in the beauty of tarot and oracle cards. I love the artwork. I love the way people are able to capture and interpret with their own art into meaning. I love collecting these little pieces of art more than anything. It has become an addiction (passion is a better justification word though). Luckily they do not take up a lot of room or I would once again be in big trouble with my clutter issues. I don't buy every deck I see. The art has to personally speak to me first. But with all the decks being created these days it is not hard to find one (or twenty) you like. I justify it by knowing there are others worse than I am and have hundreds of decks. I am not there yet.

These deck creators have inspired me to play around with designing cards. It really is very enjoyble to see what you can come with. I am limited due to the fact I have no drawing abilities. Which might be a good thing because I probably would drive myself nuts drawing all the time. The most fun for me is dreaming up a card. I can do this anywhere (like at work). Sometimes trying to interpret it into an actual card is a whole different ballgame. (Or should I say card game.) Sometimes they just flat out bomb. I have a lot of those in my digital collections. Half finished stinkers that really never made it off the ground. Hoping for some inspirations to help me do better with them. Not everything is a success. I am alright with that.

Bohemian Gothic Tarot is a darker deck. I have no opinion on what I like more, the darker decks or the fun whimsical decks. They are all amazing to me.

Legacy of the Divine belongs to Ciro Marchetti. His art makes me swoon. What can I say, big tarot crush on his deck. Love love love his work. His new oracle deck soon to be released is on my list. You can even download two of his tarot apps on Itunes. Worth it!!

Deviant Moon. Kind of a naughty, reflecting humorous deep deck. Well loved and explored by many chat rooms. Patrick believes is you want a deck to read for yourself this is the one. The story behind this deck is fascinating. If you would like to know more about Patrick listen to Blogtalk Radio's Tarot Tribe/Beyond World's on March 5th. He was on discussing his deck and how it evolved. Fascinating show. Well actually all her shows are pretty darn fantastic. You just need to listen to Donnaleigh every week in my opinion.

Tarot of the Trees is a pretty deck. Beautiful imaginative cards.

Hezico Tarot from the UK is a terrificly drawn deck. I really love this deck. Again Mary was on Beyond Worlds/Tarot Tribe. A fun listen to learn more about this deck. I am not sure but this deck might be sold out. She self published and I ended up buying another deck from her just in case.

This is just a teeny tiny smattering of my decks. Yep this is my new clutter crazy love. I will share more cards from different decks in the coming weeks. Including some of my beautiful Fairy Oracle Decks. Love them!!

1 comment:

Annabelle said...


Seriously, you make me laugh....."half finished stinkers"....well I have like ...too many to count so I hear ya! I am much like you where I can create with digital art but painting , just a smidgen and no I don't agree with you, you can draw and's called lessons either from a book, or on the youtube or wherever you find it....its all about the desire! We all can , only some are masters, and I'm not trying to be that. A little something thats accomplished makes me gloriously thrilled.

Currently I want to paint a scene of the moon overlooking a desolate field ...inspired from a cold winters night from hospital after my stepdad was operated for a gilioblastoma. Must try to capture it!!!

Here is a gal that gives free online art lessons...give her a visit. And if you want more jus send me an email, glad to help.
