Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ribbon Work

Years ago before moving to Missouri I was lucky enough to go to San Francisco for a week and take a ribbon class from Candace Kling. She has a beautiful book out on ribbon work and it was something I wanted to do before moving. The class was really enjoyable and I came home with many samples of ribbon work that I added to the cork board.
I decided to make some berets with some extra ribbon flowers I had laying around. I have many berets left that need to have some ribbon embellishments added. I will add that to my long list of other things I should work on. I have many ribbon and ribbon embroidery books on my shelves. We wont even discuss all the spools or ribbon I have tucked all over the house. I have embellished my cowboy hats with ribbon bands and my top hats and derby's that I wore in the carriage with ribbon flowers. I have also made lapel pieces for my blazers. I am crazy for ribbon work.

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