Saturday, July 12, 2008

Donnar the wonderhorse

Los Angeles Times Story

Donnar at the Calabasas Inn

A photographer used us in his brochure

Donnar my not have been the pretties horse that ever lived but he was the sweetest animal ever. I bought him from a carriage company in Pennsylvania and had him shipped. It took 3 days before he arrived and I assumed when they unloaded him out of that trailer he was going to be full of energy. He calmly walked out and I lead him to the backyard and let him go. Up went his lip and he gave me the biggest grin I have ever seen. He was so happy he just dropped to his knees and rolled in the dirt for about 5 minutes. I knew right then I had found the perfect horse. He was half draft horse half quarter horse so although small he was strong. He hitched right up to the carriage and never made a mistake. A dream horse.

Christmas Eve he got into the shed and ate way to many oats and got very very sick. He got colic. He could barely stand up and he would just drop to his knees moaning. I had tried to find a vet who might come out and had a lot of trouble finding anyone. As it got dark he was not getting any better and I thought we were going to lose him. About 8:00 that night in the cool dark air, I sat next to him with his head on my lap, stroking his head and telling him he really needed to get better. He would get up and lay back down all the while I was trying to get him to eat or drink. Then suddenly as he lay with his head in my lap, I got him to start nibbling on some hay. After a few minutes he stood up and was fine. An entire Christmas Eve worrying that I was going to lose him.

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