Monday, June 16, 2008

Honey Bees

For some reason over the past few weeks I have been discussing honey bees with people at work. I worry about the bees and we honestly we all need to be worried about the honey bees. Then I discovered that PBS was doing a special last night on the Honey Bee and made sure to get that on DVR. Well if this isn't strange I dont know what is. Yesterday morning I go over my moms house for Fathers Day and boy were things a buzzing. My mom says quick come in the back yard. So I go out to see my dad in his old bee suit (he was a hobby beekeeper for a few years but lost his hives and finally gave up). He had a hive out there and bees everywhere!! Apparantly my mom had gone out back Sunday morning and was working around her Japanese Maple and it had something very strange on the base. She could not figure out what it was. She kept looking at it and looking at it to finally realize it was a thousand bees covering the trunk of this little tree. Well she runs into tell my dad who is quietly enjoying his Sunday paper and tells him to come out quick!! Of course he says "What now". She tells him he will have to see for himself!! He says "What is it ants." No No come see. So out he drags himself to look and immediately turns around and digs out the bee suit and old hive he had laying around. These bees were easy to work with and very cooperative as he got them into the hive. rather quickly. How lucky the honey bees came to this house, the house of a hobby beekeeper who still had some equipment just laying around. Sometimes things are just meant to be (or bee HA HA). He will let them get situated for a couple of days before taking them out to the country where hopefully they might flourish and not die. Who knows if they had gone to a neighbors they may have been sprayed with poison and all killed. Many do not know the dire straights of the amazing honey bee. Please do your self a favor and read about the terrible plight of this amazing creature. The survival of this planet depends on this little insect.

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