Wednesday, February 8, 2012

And the Rampage Starts

Okay it is a week before V Day and I told you if you think I hate Christmas just wait until Valentines Day. Honestly the most ridiculous over rated waste of energy and money commercialized day of the year.

Be the Queen in your own life. Don't wait for someone else to come along and approve of you. Be irresistable to yourself. Love who you are. "Bee" who you are and quit whining about not having someone "special" to share your life with. I get so sick of people whining about that all the time. At what point do we stop buying that bill of goods that you are incomplete unless you have a partner? Times have changed people. Wake up and start living the life you want as a happy well adjusted SINGLE PERSON. It is okay. It is actually not bad at all if you quit feeding into the fact you are only half a person if you don't have anyone in your life. I see way to many very miserable "whole" people if that is the case.

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