Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Tarot Pouches

I crocheted some tarot pouches. For photo purposes I added some ribbon work to the tops of them but since I have found some interesting vintage jewerly to add to the pouches. Most of the jewelry I have found belonged to my grandmother or little pieces I have had for years and did not know what to do with. I like using my grandmother's things. Her name was Aura. How perfect. And that woman knew things. To bad they didn't have the lotto back them. There was not a raffle she could not win. She also always knew when I was hurt. No matter where she was. Now that lady had the Mojo. She would have been good at the tarot.

This is what they look like opened up. They tuck in the pouch for carrying around and then fold out so you can lay your cards out on them. I had so much fun crocheting them. It had been a while since I got to crochet and I found myself unable to stop. Yarn certainly has gone up. Anyhow it is something I will be adding to Etsy. Maybe a bit closer to the holidays. And I am also up for trading them. That might be fun. I can not take credit for inventing this idea. I did not.


Het Knuter Huuske said...

I take this idea from you :D

Het Knuter Huuske said...

Love this idea!

I will take it with me :)