Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I still have not been able to bring myself to go to Joplin. I want to go so bad but I think that with all the volunteers and people trying to pick up the pieces of their lives, I would just get in the way.
Many of the stories are so incredibly sad. Especially the children who died and the parents who died trying to save thier children. It will be interesting in the years to come to see what grows from this sadness. How the city will change. The people already have. I just hope and pray that it does not financially destroy the area. Only time will tell. When I do get the nerve to go over to Joplin (when some of my favorite stores and eating establishments start to reopen again) I will be going to support Joplin. The majority of my shopping was done their pre-tornado. The small bedroom community I live in does not have much in the way of shopping. I depend heavily on Joplin for my goods and services. You don't realize that until it is gone. Joplin will rise from the dust and debris again. I am looking forward to it.

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