Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Little Ginger

Everyone should have that one special dog in their life. That amazing little four legged furry child that does no wrong in your eyes. Makes you laugh, keeps you on your toes and has the joy for waking up everyday and making a new friend. My little four legged replacement child was Ginger. She was all of that and more. Ginger never met a person or child she didn't like and before that person walked away they knew they met a friend for life. She had friends everywhere. From the ladies at the vets office to the drive through windows, everyone loved her.

You never had to guess how she was feeling. Ginger had no problems telling you. When hungry she would stare you straight in the eyes and give you a head bob. If that didn't work or you were trying to ignore her she would give you one of those nasty hair raising bitch barks. And if that didn't work she would do this crazy butt wiggle, back up and buck like a horse. She knew that would always get a laugh out of us and she would win. She would throw her head back and howl if I asked her where the kitty kitty or piggy piggy was. That never got old.
If you were leaving the house, Ginger always felt she should go. Once she realized that wasn't going to happen she would grab you around the ankles with her two front legs and and growl "How dare you leave me". In her world she was human and had the right to go everywhere. Car rides were heaven in her mind. Regardless if it was to the end of the driveway or across country.
Ginger even had this funny way to pee. She would balance up on her two front legs and walk as to not get  her back feet wet. Her favorite daily thing to do would be to stretch flat out as long as she could, lay really still with a dog cookie at the tip of her nose, trying to get the other dog to come after it so the race would be on. And if that didn't work she would walk up to her dog friend and poke it right in her face.
If there was negative side, she could be a bit needy. Okay a lot needy. She liked sleeping on your head or laying up on your chest to sleep. When she was a pup she would sit on my shoulder like a parrot when we were in the car.
Ginger never grasped the whole obedience training thing. I gave up after three different training session attempts. In her world she didn't really need to know how to sit or stay. It really never mattered anyway because she knew her boundaries and how far she could push them.
In the middle of the night if she had to go out she would bounce her little wet cold nose on mine to wake me up. Now mind you she had a doggy door but it was more fun to wake me up.
She brought life and humor to the house. Loving, needy and bratty. I miss her every day. I wouldn't change a single minute even though I feel cheated only having her seven short years. When they say only the good die young I wonder if that goes for dogs too.
She was buried in a handmade quilted blanket in one of her favorite places in the backyard. Over her grave hangs a big bouncy colorful butterfly chime for my little butterfly dog. Hopefully where ever she is, she is happy and teasing other dogs with her cookie. They say you can find your beloved dogs over the rainbow bridge. She was our rainbow. She brought all of the rainbow colors to our house and to anyone lucky enough to meet her.

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