Sunday, August 10, 2008

Memory Board

A few years ago I was at a friends house and as I was leaving I spotted this interesting framed art on her wall. At closer look, I found it was filled with all kinds of little trinkets. I asked her what it was and she told me that it was little things her and her sister had collected when they were kids. I loved the idea and went home and made one of my own.
I had saved all these crazy little things over the years and just kept them either under the bed or in an old jewelry box in the closet. It was a lot of fun gluing these little things onto the glass. Nothing of importance or understanding to anyone else but me. It ranges from my diaper pin, a molar the tooth fairy never got, picture charms of my daughter, fools gold from Knott's Berry Farm and those round tokens that you used to get from these machines. They said your name and age. This says I was 7 years old!!
Mostly it consists of some very crazy earrings that I once wore. (Yikes! No wonder my ear lobes are down to my shoulders.) This little memory piece gives me a smile whenever I walk by it. I highly recommend everyone do this with their little bits of history. You sure can't enjoy them if they are sitting in a drawer, under the bed or in your closet now can you??

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