I enjoy Gallery Glass. I don't have the patience for doing the real thing although I have great admiration for those who do. I can't even imagine cutting out all the pieces for the Peacock in real glass. It took over 35 hours to make that one which I think is pretty fast. The leading takes by far the longest to do. It can be very temperamental to work with. It can get to thick and not come out the hole but if you make the hole in the bottle to big the leading looks bulky. It can be a lot of wear and tear on the old wrist. But I finally figured out if you put the bottle in some warm water and let it sit, the lead is so much easier to work with. That is my big Gallery Glass tip. The colors are not a problem at all but from time to time they get (for a better word) buggered up on the inside and you have to take the cap off and get the clogs out I enjoyed making the Peacock so much I made another with slightly different feather colors.
I also made the Tree of Life from Tiffany but it fell out of my window in a horrible storm one night and broke!! But you know I was okay with that. Surprisingly so actually. Could I be mellowing out in my old age?
The last photo is inspired from a greeting card drawn by Pamela Siln Palmer. (Or is it Pamela Palmer Siln. Sorry Pamela.) I love her work and I love bunnies. I added glitter, flat glass pebbles, and rhinestones to this piece. A bit of whimsy. I was trying to find fun items to stick in the paints and glitter is fun!! I have a few more Gallery glass pieces through out the house that I may post. I have so many paints left and I don't have room for any more projects. I ended up giving another huge Tiffany piece away. I forgot to snap a photo of it before it flew the coop. Oh well. ( I like my new mellow attitude.)
Today I tried for the heck of it, painting some Gallery glass paint on the back of a transparency. I want to cut out these transparency's for a SoulCollage piece I am working on. It actually worked really well and the black part of the transparency looks like leading. It has not dried yet but if it dries well and glues down well I am in business!
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